For an end customer, we developed a low-emission co-polyamide web with protective film, applied to a non-woven material. The client can remove the protective film and join the non-woven material with laminated leather.
Bonded materials: leather backing with long fibres, and non-woven material
Client: Manufacturer of laminated materials
Sector: Footwear and leather industry
Medium: Web + protective film
Polymer: Co-polyamide and LDPE film
Project duration: approx. 9 months
Ein Mann mit übereinandergeschlagenen Beinen und braunen Lederschuhen | Abifor
The challenge
The client needs a co-polyamide web with protective film. It must meet emission requirements and guarantee good adhesion to the leather fibres. An adhesive web in the form of roller material with many linear metres was also required. We also had to design a suitable packaging solution.
The path to our solution
First we developed a suitable adhesive solution in laboratory tests. We then defined the substrate film in consultation with the client, to avoid delays in the production process. Finally, we adapted the packaging in line with the transport conditions and handling.
The solution
We have developed a product that enables series production. We are also planning further projects with alternative types of web. The size/roller length meant we could redefine and optimise the packaging.
The following application technique was used for this project:
– Laminating
Discover the projects and problems for which we have already found adhesive solutions.
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