Fire-resistant adhesive for façades

The challenge
The client would like a flame-retardant adhesive with high bond strength on fleece and film. It must also have thermal stability at 60 degrees but should not have a much higher melting point so that the non-woven material substrate does not shrink. The adhesive must also be weatherproof.
The path to our solution
With a low-viscosity EVA we were able to obtain very good adhesion results and weatherproof properties. We then made additional modifications to the polymer with flame retardants.
The solution
The client purchases our adhesive and uses it for regular sales of their product in the construction industry in Scandinavia. They have now also found a sub-dealer. The adhesive is certified and must not be altered, as it was used to pass all of the weather and fire safety testing.
The project has been concluded and was a success for both Abifor and the client.
The following application technique was used for this project:
– Adhesive coating